Ravenna Micros

Ravenna Micros

Seattle, WA 98115

  • Lot Size: 3,541 SF

  • Gross SF:

  • Units: 16

  • Average Unit Size:

  • SF of Land per Unit: 228 SF

  • Gross SF of Building per Unit:

Ravenna Micros is one of the smallest micro projects to date:  Sixteen units built as two free standing structures on a corner lot near the Roosevelt Station Area. While the scale of the project and the geometry of the site were a bit constraining, the project employs the same community-building strategies as our other micro-housing projects. The project entry is through a shared courtyard between the two buildings. The common kitchens face each other across the courtyard, and each kitchen has a big sliding door that can be opened up in good weather. All of these features are designed to maximize opportunities for chance interaction and to provide a staging area for simple gatherings among the residents.